

The idea that I've been working through recently is the relevance of the thing that's being photographed to the photograph itself.

Of course the photograph of a thing is not the thing itself – you can't drink from a photo of a glass of water. This is both obvious and easy to forget as we live surrounded by photos that represent products and places we can relate to or imagine existing. Even in the realm of art – Art – there's an inclination to look at the thing and assume that it's the subject of the photograph.

My current series, which remains nameless, has almost no connection between the thing that's creating the image and the image that results from it. There are times when the thing can almost be distinguished, but it's not ever important to the subject of the photos themselves. In fact, it may even be detrimental to the image, because it's tempting to reduce understanding and interpreting down to a technical problem-solving exercise.

And that's my dilemma now. Art shouldn't need to be clever to work, but sometimes the process can add to the message, if they're complimentary.

Comments, questions, thoughts? You can find me on Twitter or via e-mail.