
Photography is About…

Inspired – if that's the word – by a blog post, I decided to google the phrase "photography is about" to see what came up. That gave about eight million results, so I went through the first couple of pages to see what specifics were mentioned. Here are the survey numbers:

"photography is about the story", 497,000 results
"photography is about the moment", 496,000 results
"photography is about light", 121,000 results
"photography is about seeing", 59,300 results
"photography is about why", 56,100 results
"photography is about telling", 51,500 results
"photography is about finding", 29,400 results
"photography is about showing", 29,100 results
"photography is about relationships", 9,490 results
"photography is about passion", 4,910 results
"photography is about memories", 2,080 results

But then I decided to throw my own search ideas into the mix. "Photography is about the camera" produced 490,000 results. Gotta love the internet.

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